A Message from Your Class President

Magical moments permeated our 50th PUHS reunion, a glorious celebration for 250 who responded with love, good will, and friendship for those present and those no longer with us.

Our 50th Reunion Planning Committee worked hard to insure a truly memorable reunion weekend. The com- mittee included in no particular order: Tim Behrens, Nicki Edwards, Rae Dean Hotchkiss Strawn, Stockton Kelly, Susan Lewis Ware, Kathleen Longley George, Bob McCloskey, Darlene Macht Brassfield, Gerald Par- nell, Jim Pettit, Connie Purdin Byars, Sharon Ryan Gill, Brenda Gayle Stafford, and Linda Simpson Hood.
Darlene, Kathleen, and Susan are gratefully acknowledged for their sustained efforts over many reunions; these ladies made their presence known in so many ways throughout the flurry of weekend activities. A big shout out to Richard Simpson who did so much for us, including managing the rally wagon and laboriously preparing the digital mementos that he previewed. Thanks to Phil Seager for managing our website. Congratulations to all on a fine job!
I enjoyed serving as your MC even though it limited my contact with many of you. It was still a smashingly good time, and who can forget that group photo op! And how about that great band – wasn’t it fun to see that crowded dance floor! We hope that our classmates who could not attend this time can be present for the next get-together to enjoy the fun and excitement of reunion.
Ok; for a tiny sample of the responses to that great weekend I present the following, slightly edited, entries taken from the PUHS Class of 1964 Facebook page:
“One of the best times of my life! Thank you so much for the new memories.”

“Just wonderful! Thanks seem insufficient to convey my heart-felt gratitude for the awesome sum total of the weekend. I still have the aura of friends and memories surrounding me.”

“Weeks later I still feel the glow of warmth and friendship, one of the best weekends of my life!” “I felt like Cinderella - it was over too soon!!”
“The menu was delicious, much more than one would expect with that many attending. So many old friends, and so many hugs and conversations that weren’t long enough. I’ve added more friends to Facebook. Thank you for making the reunion so much fun!”

“Many of us want to stay in touch with the people who had a hand in shaping us into the people we have be- come, who know the real us and still love us. Our reunions have always been warm and fun, but this one was really special. Let’s do keep in touch.”

“Let’s not wait another five years!! How about a 70th Birthday Party in 2016? It could be more casual, without all the extras we enjoyed at the 50th. Let’s make it another weekend event! People really want to visit more and cherish our time together.”
Peace and love to all,
Dave Doyel